March 15, 2006

The most comfy thing in the world. Mommy, Daddy and I can all fit on the "Love Sac" at the same time!    

March 18, 2006

I was really sick with the flu for a whole week and slept in this position in the living room most of the time. I was very sad.    

March 19, 2006

Still sick, but feeling a little better. Better enough to act like a goofball in my room. I am super lucky to have so many neat toys to play with! Daddy tried to sneak up on me, but I caught him!

March 24, 2006

Mommy and I love to snuggle up together at night and watch TV! Mom loves me tons!



March 25, 2006

Mommy and I went through my toys today to find a bunch I don't play with anymore. We took them over to the local hospital emergency room to donate them for the kids who come in when they are sick. So Mommy let me get out some "new" toys that have been packed away since my birthday!


And "WOW!" do I love these cool tools!




Texas Chainsaw Massacre anyone?! Naw...I'm too sweet!    

March 26, 2006

Today Gramma, Pop-pop, Earl, Uncle Eron, Shelley, Maddie, Mommy, Daddy and I went to.... ...Chuck E. Cheese for pizza and fun just for the heck of it! Even though I missed my nap today, I had a fantastic time! Mom helped me with some of the games.


  I'm learned quickly how to do it by myself. I climbed through the huge tunnels with Maddie. I rode on all the cool kiddie rides. Clifford is the best!
 I wore myself out... ...and I had a great time!